I hope you're enjoying my website, I made it because I wanted a place to show all the games I've created.
I'm also studying to be a web developer, so it doubles as two portfolios!
I started making games back in 2017 because I was really tired of living a boring life.
I made my first game, Ochen, when I was 17 and I've been making games ever since.
A lot of these games are just for fun, some are just arcade type games, but Ochen, and my current project, Spider's Thread (working title) are a lot more than just an arcade game.
Spider's Thread is coming along nicely, it's based off of the short story of the same name by Akutagawa. Please go read that as well.
I wanna make games that can make you feel some type of emotion. I don't know what that emotion is yet, but I'm sure it will be different for everyone.
Welp, that's it from me, for now at least.
In the meantime, go follow my twitter. I might update you there on the games I'm working on.